Wednesday, March 4, 2009

By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them (Part 2)

Note: I remain totally amazed at the number of LDS Church members that voted for and still support Obama. Without trying to be condescending, I really believe that this is because of ignorance. I think the media in this country has been derelict in it's duty and given Obama a pass so that anyone depending on the "main-stream" media for their information is ignorant of the shady side of Barack Obama. See here... Because of this, before I look at his current actions, I will rehash some of the actions Obama has taken in the past. This post looks at one such past action.

He's Just a Guy I Knew in the Neighborhood

During the Democratic primary campaign, a British newspaper reported on a connection between Obama and former (and unrepentant) Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers. As was his wont whenever information damaging to his campaign surfaced, Obama lied and evaded. He claimed that Ayers was merely a "guy he knew in the neighborhood."

As more information trickled out about the Obama-Ayers connection, however, the Obama team changed tactics from lying to bullying. After the University of Illinois - Chicago was forced to release documents (140 boxes worth) pertaining to Obama's and Ayers' involvement with the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), Stanley Kurtz went on WGN radio to detail what he found as he sifted through those documents.

"WGN radio is giving right-wing hatchet man Stanley Kurtz a forum to air his baseless, fear-mongering terrorist smears," Obama's campaign wrote in an e-mail to supporters. The campaign then followed up with another email urging supporters to call the radio station to complain. "Tell WGN that by providing Kurtz with airtime, they are legitimizing baseless attacks from a smear-merchant and lowering the standards of political discourse. It is absolutely unacceptable that WGN would give a slimy character assassin like Kurtz time for his divisive, destructive ranting on our public airwaves," the note continued. "At the very least, they should offer sane, honest rebuttal to every one of Kurtz's lies." Interesting, however, that the note didn't disclose that WGN had requested an Obama campaign representative to be on the same show but the campaign declined. Who's the liar and smear-merchant here?

In spite of the Obama campaign's lying and obstruction, the following facts finally emerged (although the "main stream" media mostly ignored them):
  • When Illinois State Senator Alice Palmer decided to retire in 1995, she hand-picked Barack Obama as her successor. In order to introduce Obama to influential liberals in the district, she held a function at the home of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. This was the beginning of Obama's political career.

  • Ayers founded CAC and was on the panel that picked Obama to serve as the chairman of the board of CAC

  • While Obama/Ayers worked for the CAC, the group poured in more than $100 Million to community organizers and radical education activists.

  • Ayers's steered CAC's agenda, which called for infusing students and their parents with a radical political commitment, and which downplayed achievement tests in favor of activism.

  • Proposals from groups focused on math/science achievement were turned down by CAC. Instead money was disbursed through various far-left community organizers, such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (or Acorn - the same Acorn that has been prosecuted in many states for voter fraud)

  • While Ayers/Obama worked at CAC, it gave $175K to Mike Klonsky, a confirmed Maoist, to set up a school dedicated to infusing Marxist ideology in students.

  • During the tenure of Obama/Ayers at CAC, Chicago area test scores (of course) didn't improve one iota

  • Not only did Obama serve with Ayers on the CAC, but also served three years with him on the Woods Fund.

  • While Obama/Ayers worked for the Woods Fund, it granted $75K to the controversial Arab American Action Network, whose founder spoke supportively of Palestinian terror.

  • Obama and Ayers appeared together on multiple panel discussions that were organized by Michelle Obama.

After the above information trickled out, the Obama campaign realized that they could no longer deny the Obama/Ayers relationship, so they changed tactics. They produced a "Fact Sheet" to try to downplay Ayers' radicalism. The "Fact Sheet" claimed this about Ayers: a) All charges against Ayers were dropped, and b) Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, are actually pretty "mainstream" these days.

Yes, the charges against Ayers were dropped but not because of lack of evidence. Ayers himself crowed upon his release, "guilty as sin... free as a bird." The charges were dropped only because federal authorities overstepped their legal bounds while pursuing Weather Underground members.

Hmmm, so Ayers is mainstream now? True, he is a college professor but does that connote mainstream? Has Ayers disavowed his radical philosophy or methods? No. In fact, in a newspaper interview that was printed on 9/11/2001 (yes that 9/11), Ayers is quoted as stating that he regretted not having performed more terrorist acts. Even more recently, Ayers and Dohrn appeared in a radio interview in 2007 where Ayers supports Mao and Dohrn calls the US the "belly of the beast." In fact, Ayers activities today are even more dangerous for American society than were his terrorist acts. That is because today he is passing on his hateful, radical philosophy to our children via his "education reform" attempts.

So tell me, is lying and bullying good fruit or evil fruit? Is working with radicals to tear down American society good or evil fruit?

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