Sunday, March 1, 2009

Obama as Giddianhi

The day after Pres. Obama's pseudo "State of the Union" speech, I was reading the text of the speech and was amazed at the chutzpah he displayed. It was as if the words he was speaking held no meaning for him. That was the only conclusion I could draw as one prevarication followed another in a steady stream.

As I read further, I remembered that I had read such audacity a few days prior as I was reading 3 Nephi, chapter 3. This chapter contains a letter from Giddianhi, leader of the Gadianton Robbers (a secret society of thieves and cutthroats that were largely the cause of the downfall of the Nephite civilization) to Lachoneus, governor of the land of Nephi. In his letter, Giddianhi weaves a number of falsehoods together that astound the Nephite governor.

Although there are no obvious parallels between Obama's speech and Giddianhi's letter, the general content of falsehood in the former closely mirrors that of the latter. Above the falsehoods involved, however, there is one rather sinister parallel that I will discus at the conclusion of this post.

The president couldn't get past the second paragraph before unleashing his first whopper:

I have come here tonight not only to address the distinguished men and women in this great chamber, but to speak frankly and directly to the men and women who sent us here.

The dictionary defines "frank" as: open and honest; straightforward; free from reserve, disguise, or guile. As I will show below, this speech was anything but frank.

Those qualities that have made America the greatest force of progress and prosperity in human history we still possess in ample measure. What is required now is for this country to pull together, confront boldly the challenges we face, and take responsibility for our future once more.

Much of the speech echoed Giddianhi's flattery of Lachoneus, but this paragraph displays it well. Giddianhi's flattery was surely meant to persuade Lachoneus to accept the lies that were to follow and Obama's flattery seems to have the same goal. You might be thinking: "Give the guy a break. He's stating things that conservatives have contended for years. You should be happy with his rhetoric. He's showing that he's a moderate." This of course would be true if Obama meant a word of what he said in that paragraph, but he doesn't.

The lie is put to the "pull together" rhetoric when he says this:

A surplus became an excuse to transfer wealth to the wealthy instead of an opportunity to invest in our future.

If we are to "pull together" we *all* need to unite, whether rich, poor, or in-between. Obama has no desire to have us "pull together," but is more interested in playing the wealth card which plays well to the human tendency towards envy and covetousness.

The "responsibility" part is clearly discredited by Obama's gargantuan "stimulus" bill. I will touch more on this later, but the particulars of the stimulus bill (which not a single congressman read before its passage - great bit of legislative responsibility, right?) clearly show that whatever amount of "responsibility" that will be required will only be required of a select few. It certainly won't be required of the government or of the vast array of governmentally-chosen "special" groups.

Speaking of the "stimulus" bill, Obama used this next line as he attempted to justify the legislative travesty that he pushed through:

As soon as I took office, I asked this Congress to send me a recovery plan by President's Day that would put people back to work and put money in their pockets. Not because I believe in bigger government -- I don't.

How anyone in that chamber could listen to that line and not laugh out loud is beyond me. Obama had just spent more with a single signature than any president in history but the amount wasn't the only problem. Along with all that spending came numerous new bureaucracies and the undoing of government reforms accomplished during the previous four administrations. That is not the handiwork of someone that doesn't believe in bigger government.

Finally, the president couldn't resist making claims that very few economists believe and which will be impossible to prove wrong:

Over the next two years, this plan will save or create 3.5 million jobs. More than 90 percent of these jobs will be in the private sector...

Barry knows that "saved" jobs are impossible to tally, but only the most Obama-addled kool-aid drinker would believe that 9 private sector jobs will be created for each new government job that this pork barrel bill will create.

Feeling overly confident it seems, Obama rolled out a few canards just to prove he could get away with them:

And that's why I've asked Vice President Biden to lead a tough, unprecedented oversight effort -- because nobody messes with Joe.

Yeah, nobody messes with Joe because they're too busy laughing at him. If we ever need a national plagiarist, ole Joe would be the first to call but a tough overseer? Give me a break.

I could go on like this for the entire speech but I'm getting tired and I think I've made my point. Although I've had a good bit of fun punching holes in Obama's alphabet soup of lies, I promised a discussion of one parallel between Obama's speech and Giddianhi's letter that isn't a laughing matter. That parallel is this: both collections of lies have the same goal.

Giddianhi expects to leverage his lies to form the basis of his demand that Lachoneus and his people give up possession of the land and allow the Gadiantons their rightful place of governance. Obama expects to leverage his lies to sweet-talk us into going along with his massive expansion of government that will infringe on our rights and control huge portions of our lives. The goal of both is to gain control and power over others. The goals of both men are insidious and evil.

This is why it is of utmost importance that, like Lachoneus, we see through the lies and pretty, conservative words. We need to realize that when Obama espouses conservative values, his actions amply prove that the words mean nothing to him. We need to resist the hypnotic quality of the rhetoric and urge our congressional representatives to fight him as vigorously as possible.

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